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Split Rock Township

In the event of a street light outage, you are asked to contact Tom Neville from Sioux Valley Energy at 1-800-234-1960 with an address of the occurrence.
Notice to Bidders
Notice to Bidders (Trees-2025)
Sealed bids for the furnishing of tree removal services in 2025 that are located in the Split Rock
Township jurisdiction shall be received by the Split Rock Township, South Dakota, at the office
of the Clerk (8101 E. 38 th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57110) until 11:00 a.m. on March 7, 2025,
when they will be publicly opened and read. Bids shall provide an hourly rate for labor and a
breakdown of expenses, both of which shall be agreed to for the work set forth in the map and
listing as well as possible additional Township areas for work to be done in 2025. A map and
listing of the trees/brush most likely to be cut is on the Township’s website under the General
Info tab. Please contact Rich Steffen at 605-366-7999 with any questions. The township
reserves the right to delay a decision for purchase for a period not to exceed 30 days after the
date and time set for opening of the bids. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all
bids or any parts thereof.
Notice to Bidders (2025-Dust Control)
Sealed bids for the furnishing of liquid Magnesium Chloride Dust Control for approximately 35
miles of gravel roads throughout Split Rock Township, shall be received by the Split Rock
Township, South Dakota at the office of the Clerk (8101 E 38 th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57110) until
11:00 a.m. on March 7, 2025 where they will be publicly opened and read. Application rate shall
be 1.2 pounds per square yard and delivered as ordered by the Township by May 1, 2025.
Please contact Richard Steffen at 605-366-7999 with any questions. The Township expects to
award the bid on March 11, 2025, at its 7:30 p.m. meeting. The township reserves the right to
delay a decision for purchase for a period not to exceed 30 days after the date and time set for
opening of the bids. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any parts
Notice to Bidders (2025-Gravel)
Sealed bids for the purchase of up to 7,000 tons of Road Gravel to be used for roads throughout
Split Rock Township, with the delivery or pick up between April 1 st and October 31, 2025, all of
which shall be determined by the Supervisors. Bids shall be received by the Split Rock
Township, Sioux Falls, SD at the office of the Clerk (8101 E 38 th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57110)
until 11:00 a.m. on March 7, 2025 where they will be publicly opened and read. Gravel must be
crushed and meet Graduation and Plasticity listed as follows: Requirement Sieve, Percent
Passing 3/4 “ , 100;, No. 4, 50-65; No. 8, 37-67; No 40, 15-35; #200, 8-15. Plasticity index
(ASTH D4318) 3-11. Bids should also specify the price difference for pick up versus delivery.
Please contact Rich Steffen at 605-366-7999 with any questions. The Township expects to
award the bid on March 11, 2025, at its 7:30 p.m. meeting. The Township reserves the right to
delay a decision for the purchase for a period of not to exceed 30 days after the date and time
set for opening of the bids. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any
parts thereof.
Notice to Bidder: (2025 Rip Rap)
Sealed bids for the purchase of Rip Rap or Railroad Ballast. Delivery between June 1 st and October 31,
2025 as determined by the Supervisors. Bids shall be received by the Split Rock Township, Sioux Falls,
SD at the office of the Clerk (8101 E. 38 th Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57110) until 11 a.m. on March 7, 2025
when they will be publicly opened and read. The township expects to award the bid on March 11, 2025
at the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Rip Rap will be Class B – size 18 – 20 inches. Railroad ballast is crushed
natural rocks quartzite or trap rock that range in size from 1-2.5 inches. Bids will specify product price
and separate price for delivery. Please contact Rich Steffen at 605-366-7999 with any questions. The
Township reserves the right to delay a decision for the purchase for a period not to exceed 30 days after
the date and time for opening of the bids. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids or
any parts thereof.
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Tree Removal
1. 4900 Maple – large elm tree north side
2. Large pine tree east of 4900 north side
3. East of Highway 100 on Maple west of 6800 north side
4. East of Highway 100 on Maple east of 6900 north side
5. West of 7400 cedar trees north side
6. East of Six Mile north side small tree
7. East of 8100 small cedar trees north side
8. North side 8701 small tree
9. North side east of 8701 cedar brush
10. 9001 south side ash tree
11. Start of big trees from 9001 east
East of Highway 11 on 264 th
1. 48105 pine trees trim north side
2. Trees west of first bridge north side
3. 48153 south side west of driveway 48153, 5 trees
4. West of second bridge south side up to 48153
5. East of 48173 south side up to McHardy Road
6. East of 48173 north side big trees
7. East of McHardy Road on 264 th
48224 east of brush north side
8. East of east gate on 264 th big trees to 483 rd
9. East of 483 rd north side big trees ash
10. East of second bridge on 264 th east of cemetery south side
263 rd
1. East of 483 rd north side brush
West of 48236
2. 48294 north side small trees
West of 483 rd
3. 48251 north side west of 48251 small trees, brush
McHardy Road
1. South of 263 rd to 264 th east side of road, 26327
2. 26309 west side brush and small trees going south
265 th
1. East of Highway 11
48176 south side small trees brush
2. 48258 west of driveway north side
Trees east of 483 rd
483 rd
1. North of 266 th
West side north of Ode farm small trees
Brush up to Creekview
2. 483 rd big hill north of 265 both sides top of big hill to bottom
3. 483 rd south of 26407 west side
4. 483 rd north of 264 th west side both ends of bridge
5. 483 rd north of bridge west side
6. 483 rd at 26353 north up to 26341 brush
267 th
1. South side of 267 th west of 482 nd Wright farm 48198
2. 48225 south side west of house big trees
3. 267 th east of 483 rd huge cottonwood
4. 267 th east of 483 rd east end by Highway 42
south side 3 trees one with large chain on it
41 st
1. South side east of River Bluff Road – big cedar trees

Your Township at work after the June 2024 flooding
Resolution 24-1
Obstructions in Township Roads
Whereas pursuant to SDCL 31-13-51, the Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township
is responsible for Township roads; and
Whereas the Township roads are public roads that are not to be obstructed without cause;
Whereas the Supervisors find that obstructions in the Township roads including but not
limited to any burning of materials in the road impedes safe travel and a fine in the amount of
$500 per incident is appropriate to punish violation and remediate damage where necessary;
Now, therefore, it is hereby
RESOLVED that it is unlawful to obstruct any Township road without good cause and
timely permission from a Supervisor, and that a fine in the amount of $500 per occurrence shall
be paid for any violation of this Resolution.
If you are in need of an Over Weight Permit or a Culvert Permit. Click Here
Final Traffic reports below for 2024
Traffic Report for East 38th St
Traffic Report for McHardy Rd
Traffic Report for River Bluff
In the event of a street light outage, you are asked to contact
Tom Neville
from Sioux Valley Energy at
with an address of the occurrence.
- Your Supervisors
- MARVIN MANIFOLD: 605-351-0261
- RICH STEFFEN 605-366-7999
- TODD EGGE 605-351-9546