January 14, 2025

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
January 14, 2025, at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen and Marvin Manifold. Also in attendance were Legal
counsel Lisa Marso, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Clerk- Pam Kolseth. Supervisor Todd Egge was absent.
Marvin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda with a second by Marvin. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the
December 10 th & December 16 th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report: December 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of
12-1-24 was $ 237,140. Deposits for December were General Fund $ 9,372, Fire Fund $ 2,538, Front
Foot Assessments $4,129, Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 200 and Interest $ 968. December expenses
were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 11,694, Road Materials $ 5,801, Professional Fees $ 2,009, Equipment
& Vehicles $ 1,281, Utilities & Phones $ 259, Admin & Other $ 549 for a total of $ 21,716. Expenses
were greater than receipts by ($4,509). This plus interest ($945) changes in A/P & P/R Liab. $52 and a
development transfer $ 63,173 for an ending balance of $ 294,910. This plus investments of $621,688
and Savings held for Developments $ 80,753 for an ending balance of $997,351. Rich made a motion to
approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Marvin. Motion carried.
Old Business:
FEMA Funding – Kevin reported there are 3 areas of funding for the following: 1) $ 28,179 for Debris
removal (Note)¨ this will have an extension to June 1 st because of the inability to remove all debris due
to weather; 2) $ 12,000 for gravel (Note: $ 37,000 was requested and due to FEMA rules,, the Township
will receive this amount); and 3) Adm cost – because of the extension of # 1 this amount will be
determined on final submission of the administrative costs.
RAIF Funding for 267 th Street – This has been approved.
Ambulance Contract – Rich made a motion with a second by Marvin to approve the ambulance contract
for 2025 for $ 3,600.00. Motion carried.
Agreement with DGR for 267 th Street/Survey and Analysis Rich made a motion to approve the $ 17,500
agreement with DGR; with a second by Marvin. Motion approved. The agreement provides DGR is to
perform a survey and create a report for options for repair 267 th along with providing an estimate of
repair costs.
New Business:
Red Rock FFA – Kevin suggested we take a look at this development along with River Bluff and Powder
House in February to decide if FFA should be assessed to those living on what might be a section line
road prior to our annual meeting.

Bids for Gravel, Dust Control and Tree Removal. Bids will be sent out for each of these with responses
due by March 7 th so the Supervisors can review them and then awarded at the March 11 th meeting.
Elected Official Updates;
Rich reported that Troy was going to be out to cut some of the bumps out of the gravel roads. They
recently put some sand out. Kevin said they are getting the traffic signs ready. He also reported
checking the cameras in the shop and they all look good. Pam mentioned the 2025 Calendar for the
door of the Fire Station was being prepared by Monte for meetings. It is also on the website.
Public Comments:
Gregg Johnson brought up the speed bumps which will be needed this spring in various developments.
Melissa Determan brought up that a street sign had been knocked over for Hidden Valley and Madison.
R J Wright inquired about what the township paid per ton of gravel last year. Kevin confirmed it was $
9.60 per ton.
Alan Hall spoke about changes coming on Maple near his residence in Indian Hills.
Motion to Pay Bills
Rich made a motion to pay the bills; Marvin seconded and the motion carried.
Rich made a motion to adjourn; Marvin seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting is February 11, 2025 at 7:30p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


December 16, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met for a special
meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024, at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead
Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD. Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen, Marvin Manifold and Todd
Egge. Also in attendance were Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Clerk- Pam Kolseth.
Todd called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Marvin made a
motion to approve the agenda which included to award the bid for the removal of flood debris. Rich
seconded and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: None
Old Business: Rich made a motion to accept the bid from Marlin Concrete of Okoboji, Iowa in the
amount of $ 72,670.00. Marvin seconded and the motion carried.
New Business: None
Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Rich.
The next monthly meeting will be held on January 14 th at 7:30 p.m.
Pam Kolseth, Clerk


December 10, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
December 10, 2024, at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls,
SD. Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen, Marvin Manifold and Todd Egge. Also in
attendance were Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Clerk- Pam Kolseth. .Lisa Marso, Legal counsel was absent
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Marvin made a
motion to approve the agenda with a second by Rich. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve
the November 12th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report: November 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of
11-1-24 was $ 65,773. Deposits for November were General Fund $ 105,967, Fire Fund $ 28,494, Front
Foot Assessments $67,930, Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 2,246 and Interest $ 9,324. November
expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 3,851, Road Materials $ 25,014, Professional Fees $ 1,333,
Equipment & Vehicles $ 3,439, Utilities & Phones $ 957, Repairs & Main. $249, and Insurance ($1,330)
for a total of $ 33,513. Receipts were greater than expenses by $ 180,448. This plus interest ($9,312)
and changes in A/P & P/R Liab. $1 for an ending balance of $ 236,910. This plus investments of
$621,688 and Savings held for Developments $ 142,981 for an ending balance of $1,001,579. Marvin
made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Todd. Motion carried.
Open bids for removal of Flood debris: Three bids were opened for removal of flood debris. The
Supervisors agreed after looking through them that they had some further questions and made a
decision to award a bid at a special meeting to be held within one week A notice of that meeting will be
posted on the website.
Old Business:
Kevin mentioned the FEMA Funding for Debris and gravel/equipment was now closed/approved. Input
still needs completed to figure some administrative costs to final numbers.
. We have not received any information from Sophie Johnson or DGR Engineering with regards to 264 th
Kevin spoke about the Minnehaha County Towns & Townships meeting he attended in November. He
said Josh Gearman spoke about the Crisis Management program. They discussed culvert sizes on some
projects. They discussed the 2045 Envision meetings that were recently held about changes forthcoming
such as eligibility requirements. He also noted Steve Groen – Minnehaha County Highway
superintendent resigned. Jacob Maras is acting County Highway superintendent.
Kevin also gave a recap of the annual S D Towns & Townships meeting held in Aberdeen in early
December. He and Rich attended this meeting. He said they had quite a discussion with regards to
developments in Townships versus Road Districts and how they were different. They also spoke about

the upcoming Legislative Session and legislation to be introduced by SD Towns & Townships for
determining Front Foot Assessments. Our resolution was adopted.
New Business: None
Elected Official Updates;
Rich said the equipment is ready for snow removal. Pam shared a letter stating the RAIF award
commission meeting has been rescheduled from December 3 rd to a meeting on December 17 th . Kevin
encouraged one of the Supervisors should attend that meeting.
Kevin spoke about Christmas Bonuses for the employees. After some discussion, the Supervisors gave
Kevin the discretion to determine how much for the employees based on how many hours they had
worked over the past year up to $ 150.
Public Comments:
Gregg Johnson spoke about the meeting that was held recently with regard to significant detours for
road work. He had questions on whether some traffic counts might be needed during the course of this
project. This project will extend into 2025 and 2026.
Paul Hess brought up a future proposed development which he inquired with the county about zoning.
Marvin was aware of this project and shared that nothing would probably happen on this for at least
three years.
R J Wright shared that Sioux Valley Energy had hired someone to cut down trees on 265 th . He said they
were going to put new transmission lines in.
Motion to Pay Bills
Marv maid a motion to pay the bills; Rich seconded and the motion carried.
Rich made a motion to adjourn; Marvin seconded and the motion carried.
The next meeting is January 14 th at 7:30p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


November 12, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
November 12, 2024, at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls,
SD. Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen, Marvin Manifold and Todd Egge. Also in
attendance were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel and Kevin Callies, Treasurer. Clerk Pam Kolseth was absent.
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda with a second by Todd. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the
October 29 th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report: October 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of
10-1-24 was $ 120,519. Deposits for October were General Fund $ 46,054, Fire Fund $ 1,252, Front
Foot Assessments $2,603, S D Alcohol/Bev Fund $ 6,090, Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 99 and Interest
$ 4,726. October expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 8,852, Road Materials $ 39,007,
Professional Fees $ 1,481, Equipment & Vehicles $ 3,598, Utilities & Phones $ 255, Repairs & Main.
$262, SR Fire Department $ 62,500 and Admin & Other $404 for a total of $ 116,357. Expenses were
greater than receipts by $ (55,459). This plus interest ($4,706) and a transfer from a CD to checking $
40,618 and purchase of Equipment (Packer) ($35,199) for an ending balance of $ 65,773. This plus
investments of $612,376 and Savings held for Developments $ 142,981 for an ending balance of
$821,130. Marvin made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Todd. Motion
Old Business:
FEMA/FAH: Lisa explained that the State has the ability to designate township collector roads as federal
aid highways (FAH) for which the State obtains money from FEMA, may allocate up to 15% for repair
work done to FAH, and pays out on a 80% reimbursement for permanent repairs. The threshold is
$5000 for funding. The State designated Maple, 41 st and Riverview as FAH. Kevin is working with FEMA
related to non-FAH roads for gravel reimbursement. A motion was made by Todd, seconded by Rich, to
approve execution of the agreement with the State for FAH reimbursement; motion carried.
The township is also working on ditch clean up (gravel, trees, cornstalks, etc) related to the flooding. A
motion was made by Rich, seconded by Todd, to advertise for bids for this work, doing so as soon as
possible. Motion carried.
264 th : Ryan from DGR provided a draft agreement for engineering work and stated he believed there is a
better chance for grant funding if the township paid for the work to be done now. A motion was made
by Todd, seconded by Rich to pay DGR up to $17,500 to DGR for the engineering work to be completed
by May, 2025, with a contract signed after legal review. Motion carried.

New Business:
FFA: The supervisors support requesting the state association (SDATAT) help support another legislative
effort to change the statutes to increase the front foot assessment amounts that a township may apply.
Kevin will connect with SDATAT in December at the annual meeting and report back.
Elected Official Updates;
Kevin brought up the road by Alibi not being named and maintenance. The township will do the snow
removal. Lisa will report back on the maintenance.
Rich noted the plows are ready to go, everything has been mowed and the gravel tough areas touched
Todd and Rich mentioned complaints about right of ways being blocked. Letters will be sent to two
residents about the issue. Residents are reminded that they cannot block a road with branches or other
items and cannot burn items in a township road. A $500/incident fine may be imposed.
Lisa provided information from Pam/the County about the County’s 2045 Envision Comprehensive Plan
meetings that will discuss issues such as transfers of building eligibilities, accessory dwelling units and
planned developments. The public is invited to meetings: 11/14 at 7 pm at Brandon City Hall (304 S
Main Ave) and 11/21 at 7 pm at Hartford City Halls (125 Main Ave).
Public Comments:
Greg Johnson mentioned the significant detours that will happen the next two years that could increase
traffic on township roads, particularly Quartzite. He asked that traffic counts be done on Quartzite
before, during and after the detours, for placement of speed bumps, and for notice to be provided to
the county for increased law enforcement. There is an Open House on 11/20 at Fred Assam (7700 E
Willow Road) from 5 to 6:30 p.m. where more discussion about the project will be held; the public is
invited to attend.
Motion to Pay Bills
Marv maid a motion to pay the bills; Rich seconded and the motion carried.
Marv made a motion to adjourn; Rich seconded and the motion carried.
The next meeting is December 10 th at 7:30p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk



October 29,  2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.  Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen, Marvin Manifold and Todd Egge. Also in attendance were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.  

Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Marvin made a motion to approve the agenda. It was seconded by Rich.  Motion carried.  Rich made a motion to approve the September 10th  minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: September 2024:  The general fund and debit card balance as of 9-1-24 was $ 21,564.   Deposits for September were General Fund $ 1,494, Fire Fund $ 404, Front Foot Assessments $700,  Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 32 and Interest $ 3,425.  September expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 11,351, Road Materials ($2,612), Contracted Services $1,277, Equipment & Vehicles $ 196, Utilities & Phones $ 250 for a total of $ 10,462.  Expenses were greater than receipts by $ (4,407). This plus interest ($3,373) and a transfer from a  CD to checking $ 106,735 for an ending balance of $ 120,519.  This plus investments of $648,287 and Savings held for Developments $ 142,981 for an ending balance of $ 911,788.  Marvin made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Rich.  Motion approved.

Old Business:

Water Damage – Crisis Management – FEMA    Kevin has attended three meetings with regard to reimbursements from FEMA.  He mentioned he was told Maple Street, 41st Street and River Bluff Road have been designated by the State as federal aid highways so reimbursement would instead come through the State that obtains federal funds rather than directly through FEMA.  Additional review work will be done as to this issue.

The slurry seal project for Hidden Valley has been completed by Asco.  They also applied slurry seal to the asphalt on Iverson Crossing Road.

267th Street – The supervisors determined no temporary easement need be created for L. G Everist work that needs to be done on the Quarry with the assurance of advanced notice of the date, limits on the duration, and restoration done by L. G. Everist at L. G. Everist’s cost.  The project for the bridge/culvert replacement on 267th was discussed with DGR Engineering. Rich made a motion to enter into a contractual agreement with DGR Engineering for the preliminary work needed for 267th for $ 17,000.  Todd seconded the motion and motion passed.  Todd made a motion to approve the completed application for RAIF Improvement Funding for 267th which was signed and will be delivered to Minnehaha County by the deadline of October 31, 2024 by DGR Engineering.  Marv seconded and the motion carried.

 New Business:

The Annual S D Towns and Townships meeting will be held in Aberdeen, SD  on December 5th & 6th this year.  The Supervisors will decide who will be attending along with Kevin.

Elected Officials Updates:

Rich mentioned all the mowing has been done.  Kevin said they will be pulling in the speed limiter signs before winter.  He also shared that Troy is checking the width on the asphalt roads throughout the township.

Public Comment:

R J Wright said some grading is needed on 267th and 482nd.  Dick Funke spoke about some load limit signs on 41st and Six Mile Road.  The supervisors discussed the limits are meant as spring load limits and the Township will either remove or cover them until next spring. Gary Bills discussed an issue with the Supervisors about the resolution for burning in the township road right of ways.  He just wanted to express his side of the story with the Supervisors.  Dustin Preheim from the Split Rock Fire Department gave an update on redoing the asphalt parking lot at the fire station.  Originally it was to be done this fall.  Now however it has been moved to sometime next spring.  The cost is the same.  He also spoke about the fundraising for the project.  They have sent a mailing to the residents of Split Rock with an appeal for funding.  The Township has prior committed funds to the project.  The Supervisors have had discussions with more developments wanting speed bumps in their area.  Because they will be removing them for the upcoming winter this will be discussed next year and would ask that the developments come early in the year to request them as they will have to be ordered at that time.  They should visit with their neighbors prior to asking for their developments.

Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Todd.  Motion carried.

Marvin made a motion to adjourn with a second by Todd.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


September 10, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
September 10, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls,
SD. Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen and Todd Egge. Also in attendance were Pat Knecht
for Lisa Marso, Legal counsel and Pam Kolseth, Clerk. Supervisor Marvin Manifold and Treasurer Kevin
Callies were absent.
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda. It was seconded by Todd. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the
August 13th minutes with a second by Todd. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: August 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of 8-1-24 was $ 229,073.
Deposits for August were General Fund $ 10,710, Fire Fund $ 172, Front Foot Assessments $369 and
Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 13. August expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 2,152, Road
Materials ($36,253), Contracted Services $3,716, Dust Suppressant $ 230,935, Professional Fees $ 2,232,
Equipment & Vehicles $ 14,488, Repairs & Main. $1,089, Utilities & Phones $ 250 and Admin & Other
$ 163 for a total of $ 218,772. Expenses were greater than receipts by $ (207,509). This leaves an ending
balance of $ 21,564. This plus investments of $752,745 and Savings held for Developments $ 141,885
for an ending balance of $ 916,194. Rich made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a
second by Todd. Motion approved.
Old Business:
Water Damage – Crisis Management – Pam mentioned that Kevin was on vacation but let her know he
had completed the information for this prior to leaving. He will finish it when he returns and before it
comes due.
Kim Circle – Culverts – Randy Postma from Postma Excavating spoke about his observations in Kim Circle.
He went on to say the culverts do not appear to be bad but rather other issues exist including eroded
bottoms and the ditch in some areas is only 6-8 inches. He and the Supervisors will go over some of the
issues and come up with a plan to move forward with the project.
New Business:
Mystic Meadows – Speed Bumps A discussion was held about installing speed bumps in Mystic
Meadows. Pine Lake Hills had speed bumps put in this spring. Possibly the construction traffic going on
Pine Lake
Drive has apparently moved south to Mystic Drive. Since the speed bumps will be removed in late
October it was determined to wait until spring to add them in Mystic Meadows.
Elected Officials Updates:

Todd received notice from the SD DOT about a new road connection between SD 42 and 267 th Avenue.
They will keep us updated.
Pam mentioned on today’s agenda it shows our next meeting is on October 8 th – instead it should be on
October 29 th at 7:30 p.m. Will post on the website. Pam also read correspondence from LG Everist: We
need to do some berm repair work at the quarry on the south side along 267 th street. This will require us
to access the work area from 267 th street. As part of the work we will need to utilize the road to move
equipment and materials in and out of the work area. We anticipate the work taking approx.2 weeks to
complete. We fully intend to take responsibility for any debris, tracking or damage to the road caused
by the work We will access the area from the west county road and will not go east beyond the work
area. The work area is approx. ½ mile east of 481 st Ave. probably in Oct or Nov.
Public Comment:
Allan Hall from Maple spoke to the Supervisors about work the county was doing on Maple. The
Supervisors have a meeting at 1:00 on the 19 th – they thanked him for the heads up of what he found
out. Dick Funke inquired of a culvert he had purchased and that he thought the Township would install
it. They said they would. Julie Benz inquired whether the Supervisors would look at an area on Dan
Ridge for trimming some trees before winter to prevent damage to snow pushing equipment.
Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Todd. Motion approved. Rich made a motion to
adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


August 13, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
August 13, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen and, Marvin Manifold. Also in attendance were Pat
Knecht for Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer. and Pam Kolseth, Clerk along with 18 SRT
residents. Supervisor Todd Egge was absent.
Marvin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda with an addition of Kim Circle culverts to new business. It was seconded by
Marvin. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the July 9th minutes with a second by Marvin.
Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: July 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of 7-1-24 was $ 163,258.
Deposits for July were General Fund $ 36,522, Fire Fund $ 564 ,SD Alcohol Bev Fund $ 4,816, Front Foot
Assessments $2,079, Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 44, and Interest $ 3,556. July expenses were
Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 14,455, Road Materials 159,717, Professional Fees $ 849, Equipment &
Vehicles $ 4,580, Repairs & Main. $4,331, Utilities & Phones $ 250 for a total of $ 184,181. Expenses
were greater than receipts by $ (136,599). This plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities ($ 35), CD Transfer
$ 205,493 and Interest ($3,493) for an ending balance of $ 229,073 This plus investments of $752,745
and Savings held for Developments $ 141,885 for an ending balance of $ 1,123,273. Rich made a
motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Marvin. Motion approved.
Old Business:
264 th : Sophie Johnson from SECOG along with Craig Lauritzen from DGR Engineering spoke about the
application for flooding on 264 th that was declined in June. They mentioned a company – Braun
Technology who would review the design about the fix before it would be resubmitted to the state later
this fall. Braun Technology will be invited to our next meeting to discuss what costs to the township
might be.
Hidden Valley Slurry Seal: At least a dozen of Hidden Valley residents were present to inquire about the
outcome and quality of work they received in the Hidden Valley development with regards to the slurry
seal application. Ryan Folsum from Asco was also in attendance. He stated the paving is done. He did
add that there were some problems with the machine that was used He addressed many questions
from the residents. Some remarked it looks like it is a road that needs to be repaved – photos were
given to the Supervisors. After a lengthy discussion the residents agreed that the Supervisors meet
again with Asco to make a decision for a remedy.
Water Damage-Crisis Management: Kevin gave the information for 14 sites to the Crisis management
who turned it into FEMA on 7-1-24 and was approved. FEMA will be coming to review each site. Each
site has to be over $4,000 in order to fund it. We are hopeful the Crisis Management will approve some
of the sites such as Maple, 264 th and 267 th .

Section Line Roads: Correspondence was sent to residences on Iverson Crossing Road and Powder
House Road. Marvin made a motion to implement front foot assessments for residents on Iverson
Crossing that have asphalt at $ 2.00 per foot. These residences will be included in the Iverson Crossing
development and will be submitted to the county by 9-30-24. Rich seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Rich made a motion to include a Front foot assessment (to be determined at 2025 Annual
meeting) for those residents on gravel on Iverson Crossing Road. Marvin seconded and motion passed.
Dust Control: Dust control has been completed.

New Business/Elected Official Updates:
Resolution: Marvin made a motion to approve a resolution for “Obstruction in Township Roads” Each
occurance will result in a $ 500 fine. Rich seconded and the motion passed. A copy of the resolution is
attached to the minutes and it will also be on the township’s website.
Culverts: The Supervisors are looking at replacing culverts in Kim Circle. Residents who have placed
landscaping in the right of way will be able to remove what they have done but otherwise any work that
is done by the Township that destroys the landscaping will not be replaced or repaired by the Township
as there is no right to place landscaping in the right of way. The Supervisors will have more information
at the next meeting on the costs of the culverts.
Residents are reminded they have 1 free landfill pass per year; they just need to show their driver’s
Rich reported the snow blower is ready The blade is done and the packer is in.
Public Comments
R J Wright inquired if any herbicides were used this year. The Supervisors responded they had not.
They currently do not have an employee who has had the training.
Julie Benz inquired about having some trees trimmed on Dan Ridge. She also mentioned there is a shrub
that is blocking the view which should be looked at for safety reasons.
Motion to Pay Bills
Rich made a motion to pay the bills; Marvin seconded and the motion carried.
Marvin made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:20 p.m. Marvin made a motion to go out of
Executive Session at 9:30 p.m.
Adjourn Rich made a motion to adjourn; Marvin seconded and the motion carried.
The next meeting is September 10th th at 7:30p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Cler


July 9, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday, July
9, 2024, at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD. Members
present were Supervisors Rich Steffen, Marvin Manifold and Todd Egge. Also in attendance were Lisa
Marso, Legal counsel and Kevin Callies, Treasurer. Pam Kolseth, Clerk.was present by phone/video.
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda with a second by Marvin. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the
June 11th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: June 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of 6-1-24 was $ 306,881.
Deposits for June were General Fund $ 1,991, Fire Fund $ 22,875, Front Foot Assessments $10,928,
Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 397, Permits & Proceeds $ 500 and Interest $ 8,494. June expenses were
Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 15,999 Road Materials $ 144,203, Contracted Services $ 11,225,
Professional Fees $ 1,235, Equipment & Vehicles $ 5,685, Repairs & Main. $231, Utilities & Phones $ 255
and Insurance $ 1,,489 for a total of $ 180,321. Expenses were greater than receipts by $ (135,136). This
plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities ($ 40) and Interest ($8,447) for an ending balance of $ 163,258.
This plus investments of $955,195 and Savings held for Developments $ 141,885 for an ending balance
of $ 1,260,337. It was noted the materials were high due to Iverson and Hidden Valley road work,
which later gets reimbursed to the general fund from their development funds. Marvin made a motion
to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Rich. Motion approved.
Old Business:
264 th : The grant was denied but will apply again next year; also due to the recent flooding there could be
re-examination before then with FEMA.
Hidden Valley Slurry Seal: Work has been done and touch up is going on through the end of the month.
The agreement is that up to 9 feet from the road edge to the driveway will be done within the project;
if a homeowner has work past that 9 feet it can contact ASCO/Travis Harms to pay for that work to be
done. A motion by Rich was made to pay ¾ of the current invoice; Marv seconded. Motion carried.
Water Damage-Crisis Management: 8 sites had work done related to the recent flooding including 483 rd
by Kim Circle, Maple and 264 th . The County has been involved. Work includes barriers; gravel with ditch
reshaping and dust control being anticipated as well. Cost reimbursement to the County then for FEMA
funds will be made.
Section Line Roads: Lisa provided a legal update that section lines can be assessed but should only be
assessed where there is a special benefit to the adjacent homeowners not enjoyed by the general
township. The assessment needs to be to the County Auditor by September. The Supervisors asked to
provide notice to homeowners and put on August’s agenda an assessment for the following locations
that are currently not assessed:

 The section of 266 th by Iverson crossing (west of 481 St) (note: Would term this Iverson 2-gravel
and Iverson 2-paved; the residents did not provide notice of the paving)
 Powder House east of Veterans Highway (note: Would add these to Split Rock Heights-gravel)
 South River Bluff Road (note: Would call this River Bluff -paved; the residents did not provide
notice of the paving).
Pam, Kevin and Lisa are to work on the letters to be sent. Pam and Kevin will get the front footage
amount to the Supervisors
Dust Control: Next Monday (7/15), weather permitting 3 trucks and a crew will start doing the dust
control. It should take about a week.
Road Burning Materials: Lisa stated there is not any right to burn items in a township road. The
supervisors ask that a resolution be drafted for next meeting with a $500/incident fine.
New Business/Elected Official Updates:
Roads: It was noted that the employees did a great job to open roads after the flooding and numerous
compliments were received by the supervisors.
Bridges: Kevin noted that he contacted the County to look at the bridges. Some were examined and he
will have them examined again.
Marso Gone: Lisa Marso will be absent the next 2 meetings; one of her law partners Pat Knecht will
attend the meetings and assist as needed.
Single Milars: It was noted that residents have been obtaining approval for construction of.
Culverts: The Supervisors are looking at replacing culverts in Kim Circle and 41 st Street. Residents who
have placed landscaping in the right of way will be able to remove what they have done but otherwise
any work that is done by the Township that destroys the landscaping will not be replaced or repaired by
the Township as there is no right to place landscaping in the right of way.
Speed signs: May be moved to 38 th , Riverbluff and McCardy.
Overweight Permit: Fees were paid to the Township related to a property in Split Rock; it will be placed
in that development fund.
Landfill Pass: Residents are reminded they have 1 free landfill pass per year; they just need to show
their driver’s license.
Public Comments:
Greg asked if any Supervisor has heard anything about annexation lately; no one had. He asked the
Supervisors to look at crack sealing in Split Rock Heights development (paving was done in 2020). There
was not enough money in the development fund for much work this year but the Supervisors will look at
it. He asked about noxious weeds by the berms between Powder House and Veteran’s Road and was
advised to contact the City and County (County Weed Supervisor) as those areas are within their control.
RJ Wright mentioned it may be good to see what the cost was for the gravel and fixing the ditches after
a 13 inch rain event to have that amount known. He also mentioned looking at doing dust control in July

(not June) wondering if there would be a cost savings. The Supervisors mentioned they get a lot of calls
regarding dust in June.
Motion to Pay Bills
Marv maid a motion to pay the bills; Rich seconded and the motion carried.
Rich maid a motion to adjourn; Rich seconded and the motion carried.
The next meeting is August 13 th at 7:30p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


June 11, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
June 11, 2024, at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen, Marvin Manifold and Todd Egge. Also in attendance
were Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk. Lisa Marso, Legal counsel was absent.
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda with a second by Marvin. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the
May 14th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: May 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of 5-1-24 was $ 135,964.
Deposits for May were General Fund $ 106,566, Fire Fund $ 28,855, Front Foot Assessments $64,662
Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 2,268 and Interest $ 3,738. May expenses were Payroll & Payroll
Liabilities $ 5,830, Professional Fees $ 806, Equipment & Vehicles $ 5,156, Repairs & Main. $112, Utilities
& Phones $ 331, Insurance $ 19,127 and Admin $ 144 for a total of $ 31,505. Receipts were greater than
expenses by $ 174,583. This plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities $ 38 and Interest ($3,704) for an
ending balance of $ 306,881. This plus investments of $947,836 and Savings held for Developments $
140,797 for an ending balance of $ 1,395,514. Marvin made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report
with a second by Rich. Motion approved.
Old Business There were some issues with gravel that was delivered that did not meet the bid specs.
Lisa and the Supervisors have been working on this issue to get it resolved.
Approximately 20 residents from Hidden Valley were in attendance to question the slurry seal in the
Hidden Valley development. Spokesman Darrell VanderEsch brought forth many of the concerns the
residents had. Travis from Asphalt Surfacing Co. (ASCO) was in attendance to answer and explain the
process. He said Sioux Falls and many surrounding townships use this process instead of chip sealing
because it will last from 7 to 9 years versus 3-4 years of chip sealing. He went on to explain it takes
about a month for it to set up. He is aware that there are some areas which need to be addressed and
said the plans are to be out there on Thursday and Friday this week. He was taking the responsibility to
follow thru on their concerns. He also mentioned they would just take care of any slurry seal leading up
to residents driveway approach at no cost to the homeowner. Iverson Crossing was also completed
however only one homeowner had a question for Travis. Residents brought up communication being a
problem however it was pointed out to all that there was information included on our website.
Kevin brought up 266 th Street and a discussion which will need to be deferred to our annual meeting
because it is a section line road.
At the request of Pine Lake Hill residents, the Township purchased speed bumps and they were placed
in Pine Lake Hills last week where the residents requested and Township approved.

New Business: Pam brought up the changes the city of Sioux Falls is going to change their legal notices
to be published in the Dakota Scout instead of the Sioux Falls Argus beginning on July 1 st . This is just an
FYI and we do not need to do anything at this time.
Elected Officials updates Marvin brought up there are trees in the Rowena area which need to be
trimmed. Rich said he has received notice from Dustbusters that they will begin dust control on or
about June 24 th . This year they will bring two trucks. He also said they have been mowing one strip
along the roads in the township. Kevin reported he had attended a meeting for the SDT & T in
Brookings. He serves on their bond board. He mentioned they spoke about paperless bills and the
publishing of legal notices. Kevin also asked one of the supervisors if they would call the dump and
question why the township is getting charged for tires. These are ones picked up in the ditches and not
off from our own equipment. Kevin also wondered about the RAIF funding for the bridge on 267 th – we
need to hire an engineer for this in order to apply for funding. Will check with Lisa on this issue.
Public Comments:
R J Wright asked the supervisors to not apply dust control this year on the mile of 267 th between 481 st
and 482 nd . They agreed.
Julie Benz inquired on a minimum maintenance road whether a homeowner could burn tree branches
in the middle of the road. We will check with Lisa on this matter.
Marvin made a motion to pay bills with the exception of the Asco bill. It will be held until June 20 th until
the final work is completed. This was seconded by Rich.. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to
adjourn. . The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9,
2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


May 14, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
May 14, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen , Marvin Manifold and Todd Egge. Also in attendance
were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion
to approve the agenda with a change of adding Roger’s Plumbing under new business to be seconded by
Marvin. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve the April 16 th minutes with a second by Marvin.
Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: April 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of 4-1-24 was $ 77,496.
Deposits for April were General Fund $ 55,275, Fire Fund $ 2,974, S D Alcohol Bev Funds $ 5,421, Front
Foot Assessments $6,569, Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 228 and Interest $ 1,473. April expenses were
Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 8,700, Road Materials ($1,306), Professional Fees $ 3,300, Utilities &
Phones $ 396, and Admin $ 363. Receipts were greater than expenses by $ 59,822. This plus changes in
A/P and P/R Liabilities $ 106 and Interest ($1,460) for an ending balance of $ 135,964. This plus
investments of $944,132 and Savings held for Developments $ 140,797 for an ending balance of $
1,220,893. Rich made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Marvin. Motion
Old Business: Kevin gave a recap of the meeting held for Maple Street which he and Rich attended.
Currently they have no design drawn up for Maple. There is no funding available until a design is
shared. Items discussed were turning lanes and bike trails. Their last road counts were from 2018 which
Kevin mentioned are outdated. At some point they will meet with homeowners who have property
adjacent. Kevin anticipates nothing is going to happen for awhile. A cost of $ 20 million was mentioned.
Todd shared the parking lot update for the Split Rock Fire Department would not happen until mid
September. A $ 25,000 check will be given to the Fire Department at that time.
Rich reported he had checked with Asco on speed bumps for Pine Lake Hills. There are several options.
Corey asked if there were some portable ones at the Shop. The supervisors will look into this first.
New Business: Crack sealing was started today in Hidden Valley and will be done in Iverson Crossing
tomorrow. Roger’s Plumbing had inquired with Rich about putting a pipe in the ditch near their facility.
Rich explained the township does not want to give up the right-a-way.
Elected Officials updates: Pam mentioned the Sioux Falls City Landfill will once again give each resident
of Split Rock Township one free pass to the landfill until the end of the year. They will scan your driver’s
license upon entering. This is listed on our website. Rich mentioned he had two bids for a packer for
the new blade. Rich made a motion to purchase a packer either through Butler or Sourcewell if it is
cheaper. Marvin seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There was a discussion about the quality of the gravel we have received from Stone Hill. Lisa will send
them a letter stating their product was not at the specs required.
Marvin purchased a broom for $ 1,892.23 and $ 60.00 for 6 culvert bands that he thought the Township
needs. Rich made a motion to reimburse Marv for the purchases and have the items be owned by the
Township. Todd seconded the motion. Marv recused himself from the vote. Motion carried.
Kevin mentioned the work comp audit had been completed.
Public Comments: Several residents from Kim Circle asked the supervisors to look at a culvert in their
area. Tim Nicolay suggested more gravel should be added on Skyview Circle. The Supervisors will look
at it also.
Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Marvin. Motion carried. Marvin made a motion to
adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 11,
2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk



APRIL 16, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.  Members present were Supervisors Rich Steffen and Todd Egge.  Also in attendance were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk. Supervisor Marvin Manifold was absent.

Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion to approve the agenda with a second by Todd.  Motion carried.  Rich made a motion to approve the March 26th minutes with a second by Todd. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report: March 2024:  The general fund and debit card balance as of 3-1-24 was $ 75,769.  Deposits for March were General Fund $ 12,263, Fire Fund $ 3,321, Front Foot Assessments $3,906, Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 261 and Interest $ 12,421.  March expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 6,567, Road Materials $ 526, Professional Fees $ 3,257, Utilities & Phones $ 2,093, Ambulance Contract $ 3,600 and Admin $ 1,539. Receipts were greater than expenses by $ 14,592. This plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities $ (449) and Interest ($12,416) for an ending balance of $ 77,496.  This plus investments of $942,672 and Savings held for Developments $ 140,797 for an ending balance of $ 1,160,965. Rich made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Todd. Motion approved.

Old Business:  Kevin gave a recap of the Minnehaha County Towns and Townships meeting.  They discussed the 5 -year plan for bridges and RAIF funding. They went over a lot of future plans for roads.  They discussed an upcoming meeting for motor-grader training and Shoulder pull which has been moved to April 22nd and 23rd near Hartford. Kevin stated they discussed bond requirements up to $ 200,000 and that he sits on that committee.  They discussed township audits.  In the past the state helped perform township audits but no longer have the manpower so it is suggested townships do their own audits.  He said that States Attorney Marty Jackley has updated some township meeting laws.  They discussed SB 201 and efforts to try and defeat it.  Kevin also encouraged the Supervisors to attend a meeting in Brandon on April 25th from 5:00 – 7:00 at with regards to Holly Blvd. 

New Business: Rich made a motion to accept the bid from Asphalt Surfacing Co. (ASCO) for the application of slurry seal in the Hidden Valley and Iverson Crossing developments at $ 132,426.95.  The work is to be completed between May 1st and October 1st and must be completed within 2 working days for each development.  The motion was seconded by Todd.  Motion carried.  iH

Elected Officials updates:  Rich reported they hope to hear on the new blade within the next few days.  Kevin will be placing a speed limiter in Hidden Valley soon and he plans to move the one currently on Maple to a different location on Maple.  Pam will check with the Sioux Falls Landfill to see if they will still offer one free pass this year.  Todd made a motion to sign a request for grant assistance to the SD Office of Emergency Management for matching funds of 25% on 264th Street.  Rich seconded and the motion passed.

Public Comments:   Melissa Determan of Hidden Valley brought up the location of the Split Rock Township meetings – she only found it in the minutes.  Going forward the meeting location will be listed on the agenda.  Keith Beukelman of 6204 E 23rd Street in Split Rock Heights inquired about the specs for the gravel used in the developments.  He shared some pictures with the supervisors of what it looked like.  The Supervisors told him they use the specs suggested by the State when taking bids.  They will see what happens as the gravel will come from another pit this year. He also shared the township did a great job on snow removal this year.  Dick Funke spoke about a large pot hole on Ledge Rock and that a load limit sign is tipped.  The Supervisors will look into these items.  Three residents from Pine Lake Hills inquired about obtaining speed bumps for Pine Lake Drive.  They feel it is a safety issue for the residents living on this street and their children.  Outside contractors do not abide by the speed zone posted in the development.  Rich is going to check in to the availability and what might work best to remedy the situation. 

Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Todd.  Motion passed.  Todd made a motion to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.  The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14th at 7:30 p.m. 

Reminder – Split Rock Volunteer Fire Department Pancake Breakfast is on Sunday, May 5, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Pam Kolseth, Clerk



MARCH 26, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
March 26, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Marvin Manifold, Rich Steffen and Todd Egge. Also in attendance
were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.
Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Marvin made a
motion to approve the agenda with a second by Rich. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve
the March 12th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried.
Old Business: Bids were opened for gravel, dust control and rip rap. Rich made a motion to accept the
low bid of Stonehill for gravel at $ 12.15 per ton delivered. It was seconded by Marvin. Motion carried.
Rich made a motion to accept the low bid for dust control from Dustbusters at $ 1.39 per gallon. The
motion was seconded by Marvin and the motion carried. Marvin made a motion to accept the low bid
for Rip Rap from L G Everist at $ 34.85 per ton delivered. Rich seconded and the motion passed.
A discussion followed about a notice to bid for Slurry Seal in the Hidden Valley and Iverson Crossing
developments. For timing purposes, Rich made a motion to move the April 9 th meeting to April 16 th with
a second by Marvin. Motion carried. The bids will be in the Brandon Journal on April 3 rd and April 10 th
and the Argus on April 3, 4 and 5 th . They will then be received and opened at the April 16 th meeting.
Elected Officials updates: Rich mentioned before slurry seal can be applied, they need to check the
developments for any crack sealing needed and for frost boils. There was also a discussion about
whether home owners might want the slurry seal to connect to their own driveway situations. Lisa will
prepare a notice for the homeowners. It would be up to each homeowner and they would be required
to prepay for this. Lisa also mentioned she had talked with engineer Eric Willadsen to find out he does
not work on engineering for bridge projects. He will get a name to Lisa as a contact. Kevin confirmed he
has placed speed limiters in Pine Lake Hills and on Maple Street. The third will be placed in Hidden
Valley shortly. Virgil has already put information on the web site for Maple which shows traffic has
slowed down.
Marvin made a motion to pay bills with a second by Rich. Motion passed. Marvin made a motion to
adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The April meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16 th at 7:30 p.m.



MARCH 12, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.  Members present were Supervisors Marvin Manifold, Rich Steffen and Todd Egge.  Also in attendance were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.

Re-elected officers took their oaths of office: Marvin Manifold-Supervisor, Kevin Callies – Treasurer and Pam Kolseth- Clerk.  Todd Egge is the new supervisor Chairman.

Todd called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Marvin made a motion to approve the agenda with a second by Rich.  Motion carried.  Rich made a motion to approve the February 27th minutes with a second by Marvin. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report: February 2024:  The general fund and debit card balance as of 2-1-24 was $101,747.  Deposits for February were General Fund $ 19,827, Fire Fund $ 824, Front Foot Assessments $2,166, and Secondary Road Capital Fund $ 46.  February expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 1,982, Road Materials ($ 409), Professional Fees $ 1,070, Equipment & Vehicles $ 7,972, Utilities & Phones $ 409, Split Rock Fire Dept. $ 37,500 and Admin $704. Expenses were greater than receipts by ($26,359). This plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities        $ 382 for an ending balance of $ 75,769.  This plus investments of $931,301 and Savings held for Developments $ 139,752 for an ending balance of $1,146,822. Marvin made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Rich. Motion approved.

Old Business:  Kevin mentioned we were not approved for any funding of 267th Street at this time, however, we will again make another funding request in May of 2024.  A short discussion was held on the Annual Meeting held on March 5, 2024.  Supervisors and patrons thought it went smoothly.

New Business: Kevin is getting ready to place the speed limiters.  His thoughts are to put one in each of these areas:  1) Maple, 2) Pine Lake Hills and 3) iHHidden Valley.  They may try to move them around during the course of the summer.  The Supervisors agreed to put out bids for slurry seal in Hidden Valley and Iverson Crossing so work may begin this spring.  A discussion was held with regards to the bridge on 267th.  A letter identified the bridge may need some attention in the next 5 – 10 years.  Also ,a load limit sign was recommended which Kevin has on order.  Lisa will check with Eric Willadsen, an engineer we have used prior to see about a proposal.

Elected Officials updates:  Rich reported they are still waiting on the John Deere from Butler.  Marvin commented he is starting his 13th year as a Supervisor for Split Rock Township.  Pam stated the Equalization hearings will be held on Monday, March 18, 2024beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Public Comments:   Gregg Johnson inquired if we had lost any roads in the township to the city of Sioux Falls for funding purposes.   Kevin said there have been none.  In the future – Maple Street could possibly be taken over by the county.

Marvin made a motion to pay bills with a second by Rich.  Motion carried.  Rich made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue at 8:03 p.m.  After coming out of Executive Session, Rich made a motion to increase employee wages to $ 35.00 per hour from $ 27.50 per hour effective April 1, 2024.  This was seconded by Marvin and motion carried.

Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk


FEBRUARY 27, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
February 27, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Marvin Manifold, Rich Steffen and Todd Egge. Also in attendance
were Pat Knecht (for Lisa Marso), Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.
Marvin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Todd made a
motion to approve the agenda with a second by Rich. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve
the February 13 th minutes with a second by Todd. Motion carried.
Old Business: Kevin commented that the funding request is in for 264 th Street and the money is
available however they have run into a few problems with the details of how it will be disbursed.
Pam mentioned the bids for gravel, dust control and rip rap will be publicized in the Brandon Journal and
the Argus on Feb 29 th and March 6 th . If anyone wants a copy, they should contact Pam. Bids will be
opened at the March 26 th meeting.
Todd made a motion to approve the Joint Powers agreement for Maple for 11% (up to $ 33,216.48) of
the engineer cost along with the city of Brandon, Sioux Falls and Minnehaha County. Rich seconded and
the motion carried.
The Board went through the upcoming Annual Meeting agenda for Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Kevin led a
discussion about the township levy and for funds requested by the Split Rock Fire Department. He
recommended the levy remain at $ 0.606 for 2025. After more discussion on certain items, the agenda
should be readied by our annual meeting.
New Business: After some discussion Marvin made a motion to not proceed any further on the Carbon
Dioxide Pipeline Ordinance. It was seconded by Rich. Motion carried.
Elected Officials updates: Rich reported the blade will be here by the end of the month. The power
take- off shaft is twisted on the tractor and will be fixed by Butler or the snow blower company. Kevin
asked the Supervisors to begin thinking about where the speed limiter signs should be placed this spring.
Pam mentioned the Equalization hearings will be held on Monday, March 18 th at 7:00 p.m. If a patron
has questions, she suggested to first call the Equalization office (367-4228) or to go visit with them. If
they still want to appeal, they should contact Pam for a form and get on the schedule.
Public Comments: Mark Schmidtbauer mentioned a pole being replaced on 264 th . Allan Hall at 2200 N
Indian Hills Trail brought attention to a few soft spots on Maple Street and also questioned if the
Supervisors had heard of plans for changes on Madison Street.
Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Todd. Motion passed. Rich made a motion to adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk

Upcoming Meetings: Annual Meeting – March 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Equalization Hearings on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Required Meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.


FEBRUARY 13, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday,
February 13, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.
Members present were Supervisors Marvin Manifold, Rich Steffen and Todd Egge. Also in attendance
were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.
Marvin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Todd made a
motion to approve the agenda with a second by Rich. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to approve
the January 9th minutes with a second by Todd. Motion carried
Treasurer’s Report: January 2024: The general fund and debit card balance as of 1-1-24 was $74,266.
Deposits for January were General Fund $ 30,277, Fire Fund $ 203, S D Alcohol $ 5,887, Front Foot
Assessments $1,074, Permits $ 1,265 and Interest $ 49. January expenses were Payroll & Payroll
Liabilities $ 10,229, Road Materials ($ 1,138), Professional Fees $ 880, Equipment & Vehicles $ 3,696,
Repairs & Maintenance $ 164, Utilities & Phones $ 279 and Admin ($ 2,771). Receipts were greater than
expenses by $27,414. This plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities $ 67 for an ending balance of $
101,747. This plus investments of $931,301 and Savings held for Developments $ 139,752 for an ending
balance of $1,172,800. Todd made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Rich.
Motion approved.
Old Business: Todd reported he and Rich went to Pierre to the House Committee meeting with regards
to HB1109. It was killed in committee again this year however, Todd said we shall try again next year.
New Business: Lance Pollman from L G Everist spoke about amending a conditional use permit on the
east side of their quarry in Rowena. They currently have 259 acres and would like to expand 79 acres to
the east. They will need access across 482 nd to transfer to their other parcel. Currently, they plan to
have a 5 x 8 ft box culvert under 482 nd in order for a conveyor to go thru. They are in the preliminary
stage but wanted to share with Split Rock Township details of these future plans. They will get copies of
agreements they have with other townships for this proposal.
Don Winkler presented the request for the Split Rock Fire Department for funding needs in 2025. They
are requesting $ 80,000 (up from $ 75,000) for calendar year 2025. They are also requesting assistance
with their parking lot improvements in the amount of $ 50,000 in 2024 and $ 50,000 in 2025. They will
present this request at the Annual Meeting in March.
Todd made a motion to approve a resolution by the board to oppose SB201 on linear transmission
facilities with a second by Rich. Motion carried.
The Supervisors made changes to the bids for gravel, dust control and rip rap which will be published in
the Argus and Brandon Journal. The request for bids will be for the meeting on March 26 th .
The Supervisors authorized Kevin to register and attend a Crisis Management meeting on February 20 th .
Todd will also attend.

Work is continuing on the agenda items for the Annual Meeting on March 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Kevin
went over some of the reports with the Supervisors.
Elected Officials updates: Rich reported the snowblower is getting fixed. Also the blade is on the
grader and awaiting the wings which had to be shipped.
Public Comments: R J Wright questioned whether the mower would work on trees in the ditch. Rich
responded they would probably rent special equipment for that. Also R J asked if it would be possible to
not put dust control between 481 and 482 this year as an experiment. Dick Funke brought up an issue
with the Brandon Valley school bus. A discussion was held that because the buses have gotten stuck,
they are no longer allowed to turn around in driveways. Wendy from Kim Circle reported she had sent
an email to the supervisors about getting the rocks out of the ditch and never had a reply. It was also
brought up a neighbor was pushing rocks across the roadway. Once information is received, Lisa will
send them a letter advising them of the regulations. Patty Peterson mentioned they need to replace
some reflectors which have been knocked down because of snow removal. The Supervisors will look
into these matters.
Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Todd. Motion carried. Rich made a motion to adjourn
and the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 27 th at 7:30 p.m.

Pam Kolseth, Clerk



JANUARY 9, 2024

The Board of Supervisors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota met on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at the Split Rock Township Fire Station at 7201 E Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.  Members present were Supervisors Marvin Manifold, Rich Steffen and Todd Egge.  Also in attendance were Kevin Callies, Treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Clerk.  Legal counsel, Lisa Marso was absent.

Marvin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rich made a motion to approve the agenda with a second by Todd.  Motion carried.  Todd made a motion to approve the December 12th minutes with a second by Rich. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report: December 2023:  The general fund and debit card balance as of 12-1-23 was $278,718.  Deposits for December were General Fund $ 17,160, Fire Fund $ 4,498, Front Foot Assessments $8,275, Permits $ 294 and Interest $ 14,693.  December expenses were Payroll & Payroll Liabilities $ 12,976, Road Materials $ 177, Professional Fees $ 978, Equipment & Vehicles $ 3,092, Repairs & Maintenance $ 519, Utilities & Phones $ 847 and Admin $ 283. Receipts were greater than expenses by $26,047. This plus changes in A/P and P/R Liabilities ($ 27) and interest ($14,648) Equipment Purchase ($402,275) Development Savings Transfer (118,881) and a CD Transfer $ 305,322 for an ending balance of $ 74,256.  This plus investments of $913,300 and Savings held for Developments $ 139,752 for an ending balance of $1,145,309. Todd made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report with a second by Rich. Motion approved.

Old Business:  Proposed legislation was approved at the last meeting for changing the front foot assessments language in the statutes.  Dave Kull will sponsor our bill at the 2024 Legislative Session.  Kevin mentioned the SD Towns & Townships are on board to assist in this legislation.  We will keep you posted on this matter. 

New Business: Pam shared last year’s Annual Meeting Agenda with the Supervisors and announced a notice of the meeting is being published in the Brandon Journal on Jan 10 & 17 and in the Argus on Jan 10, 11 & 12th stating the annual meeting will be held on March 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.  The positions of one supervisor, clerk and treasurer will be voted on.  Various parts of the agenda were discussed in order to prepare for the upcoming meeting. 

Elected Officials updates:  Todd had several calls of snow being pushed onto others property.  He will get the information to Lisa to send out a notice of the rules.  This is also on our website.

Public Comments:    R J Wright brought up dust control for a discussion.  Dick Funke shared a great job was done on the snow removal.  He also mentioned the sign on Ledge Rock was buried in the snow.  He then asked the Supervisors to leave it for one more week as he had cattle being moved. 

Rich made a motion to pay bills with a second by Todd.  Motion carried.  Todd made a motion to adjourn with a second by Rich. The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.  The next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13th at 7:30 p.m     Pam Kolseth/Clerk