Split Rock Township
March 5, 2024

The annual meeting of the electors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, was held
on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Split Rock Township Fire Department located at 7201 East
Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD. The meeting was held in accordance with the notice published in
the Sioux Falls Argus Leader and the Brandon Journal.
Present at the meeting were the township supervisors, Marvin Manifold, Rich Steffen and Todd Egge.
Also present was Pat Knecht (for Lisa Marso) legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Township treasurer and Pam
Kolseth, Township Clerk along with 18 electors in the township.
The meeting was called to order by Clerk Pam Kolseth. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, a motion was
made by Todd Egge and seconded by Dustin Preheim to select Monte Albertson as the moderator.
Motion carried. Don Winckler made a motion to accept the agenda as presented with a second by Patty
Peterson. Motion carried.
Treasurer Kevin Callies reviewed the Annual Statement of Treasurer’s 2023 Accounts which included the
General Fund with a beginning balance of $ 1,529,259.80 with receipts of $735,708.72 and
disbursements of ($1,119,649.83) with a total cash balance at the end of the year of $ 1,145,318.69.
Kevin presented the Historical Financial Summary and 2025 Township Budget report. After some
discussion and questions answered by Kevin, Don Winckler made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s
Reports with a second by Todd Egge. Motion passed.
Chairman Marvin Manifold submitted a written report of supervisor’s activities during the year.
Highlights included 1) Gravel and Dust Control was applied. 2) Equipment was updated and some
repaired. 3) Shop lighting was upgraded with LED lights. 4) Three digital speed limiters were purchased.
5) Legislation was introduced for front foot assessments but was killed in the committee. Marvin
thanked everyone for helping to complete these projects.
Matt Penning, Split Rock Fire Department Fire Chief also submitted a written report. They currently
have 38 members of which 35 are certified firefighters and 22 certified medical responders. Split Rock
Fire personnel responded to a total of 143 calls for service. These calls included Medical Emergencies,
Structure Fires, Grass Fires, Car Accidents and others. With the dry weather he requested patrons to call
and check for any questions or burn bans. The pancake breakfast will be held on May 5 th this year.
Lisa Marso had submitted a recap of the 2023 legal work which included loan repayments for the
developments, Arrowhead/Highway 42 reconstruction issues, and Front Foot Assessment legislative bill
for developments. Reminders of township laws included: a. Do not push snow into township roads, b.
Do not discharge fireworks on township roads and c. clean up firework debris landing on roads.
The minutes of the 2023 annual meeting were made available to patrons. Don Winckler made a motion
to approve the minutes with a second by Rich Steffen. Motion carried.
Pam Kolseth made a motion to keep the mill levy rate on property at .606 the same as last year. The
levy rate will be base + CPI + growth to the maximum allowed by law with the mill levy not to exceed

.606 mills including the $ 80,000 for fire protection. Mark Schmidtbauer seconded and the motion
Don Winckler made a motion to not assess any additional levies for: Additional fire protection and Snow
removal reserve fund. This was seconded by Patty Peterson. Motion carried.
A motion by Don Winckler to set an additional levy for a secondary road capital improvement fund at $
.01 per $ 1,000 of property tax for 2025. Kevin explained the need for establishing such a fund for the
township to be able to receive funding for constructing, reconstructing, repairing and maintaining
secondary roads, bridges and culverts. Mark Schmidtbauer seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A motion wa made by Gary Peterson to make expenditures for an amount greater than taxes levied up
to a cap of $ 750,000. This motion was seconded by Don Winckler. After discussion on what future
needs there might be the motion carried.
Gregg Johnson made a motion to allow for the purchase of equipment costing more than $ 15,000 with
a second by Gary Peterson. Motion passed.
Gregg Johnson made a motion to authorize the Supervisors to approve an expenditure for ambulance
service up to $ 5,000. This was seconded by Todd Egge and motion passed.
Paul Hess made a motion for the cost of clean-up weeds, grass or brush in the right-of-way and for the
cost of tree removal of township roads shall be paid for by the township. Dustin Preheim seconded and
the motion passed.
Don Winckler made a motion to increase the Treasurer monthly compensation from $ 750 per/mo. to $
800 per/mo. Other meetings will remain at $100/meeting. The Clerk will remain at $ 550/mo. + $100
/other meetings and Supervisors at $ 100/meeting/road trip. Emergency work (not road trips) will
increase from $ 25/hour to $ 40/hour. This was seconded by Patty Peterson. Motion carried.
Don Winckler made a motion for the ratification and approval of all actions of the Board of Supervisors
at statutory meetings, regularly scheduled meetings, special meetings and executive sessions for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. Dustin Preheim seconded and motion passed.
Todd Egge made a motion to elect the unopposed Supervisor – Marvin Manifold, Treasurer – Kevin
Callies and Clerk – Pam Kolseth with a second by Rich Steffen. Motion carried.
Marvin Manifold made a motion to approve the assessment recommendations for the developments as
follows: $ 0.00 for Hayes, Kim Circle; $ 0.60 for O’Hanlon’s Gravel, Pleasant View Acres. Skyview Circle;
$ 0.80 for Indian Hills, Pine Hills, Rowena and Split Rock Heights (Gravel); $ 1.00 for Country
Gables/Odes; $ 2.00 for Hidden Valley, Iverson Crossing, Iverson Tract/Red Rock, Mystic Meadows,
O’Hanlon (Asphalt) Pine Lake Hills, Rollinger, Split Rock Heights (Asphalt). Todd Egge seconded and the
motion carried.
Rich Steffen made a motion to set caps for maximum yearly salary/compensation: Clerk $ 8,000,
Treasurer $ 14,000 and Supervisors $ 10,000. Marvin Manifold seconded and the motion passed.
A motion was made by Todd Egge to approve the 2025 Split Rock Fire Department Budget request for $
80,000. This was seconded by Rich Steffen. Motion passed.

Todd Egge motioned for the approval of Township road systems and designation of maintenance levels
for roads within the system. (All secondary roads are full maintenance accepted roads except the
following which are minimum maintenance roads. Ledge Rock and East Dan Ridge and No Maintenance:
264 th Street from 48252 264 th St. to 48283 264 th St., N Lake View Road and N Horseshoe Pass). Rich
Steffen seconded and the motion carried.
A motion to approve legal newspapers of the Argus Leader and the Brandon Journal was made by Rich
Steffen with a second by Todd Egge. Motion carried.
Rich Steffen made a motion to approve the depository banks of First Nat’l Bank, U S Bank, Liberty Nat’l
Bank, Plains Commerce Bank and Edward Jones, and to the extent authorized by law any other financial
institution at the Treasurer’s discretion. Todd Egge seconded and motion passed.
A motion was made by Rich Steffen for the redeposit of Certificates of Deposit. Todd Egge seconded
this motion. Motion carried.
Todd Egge moved October 1, 2024 as the date for right-of-way clearance with a second by Rich Steffen.
Motion passed.
Todd Egge made a motion to pay $ 25,000 in 2024 to the Split Rock Fire Department for the parking lot.
This was seconded by Rich Steffen. Motion passed.
Rich Steffen made a motion for the ratification and approval of all actions of the Board of Supervisors at
statutory meetings, regularly scheduled meetings, special meetings and executive sessions for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2023. Motion was seconded by Todd Egge and motion passed.
Public Input: Duane Strande from South River Bluff Road inquired about the excess amount of rock in
the ditch. A discussion brought up the township may have to rent a sweeper to remove the gravel.
Kevin also mentioned they have an employee that has retired from his job and will be available to work
up to 20 hours per week for the township. R J Wright led a discussion about the date of October 1, 2024
for the right-of-way clearance (such as trees in the ditches, etc.)
Mark Schmidtbauer made a motion to adjourn with a second by Gary Peterson. The meeting was
adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Thanks again to Monte Albertson for being our moderator!!

Pam Kolseth, Clerk

Split Rock Township

March 7, 2023

The annual meeting of the electors of Split Rock Township, Minnehaha County, South Dakota, was held on Tuesday March 7, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Split Rock Township Fire Department located at 7201 East Arrowhead Parkway, Sioux Falls, SD.  The meeting was held in accordance with the notice published in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader and the Brandon Journal.

Present at the meeting were the township supervisors, Marvin Manifold, Todd Egge and Rich Steffen.  Also present were Lisa Marso, Legal counsel, Kevin Callies, Township treasurer and Pam Kolseth, Township clerk together with 18 electors in the township.   

The meeting was called to order by Clerk Pam Kolseth.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance, a motion was made by Todd Egge and seconded by Patty Peterson to select Monte Albertson as the moderator.  Motion carried.  Don Winckler made a motion to accept the agenda as presented with a second by Todd Egge.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Kevin Callies reviewed the Annual Statement of Treasurer’s 2022 Accounts which included the General Fund with a beginning balance of $ 1,210,224.17 with receipts of $ 731,066.03 and disbursements of ($412,030.40) with a total cash balance at the end of the year of $ 1,529,259.80.  Kevin presented the Historical Financial Summary and 2024 Township Budget report.  After some discussion and questions answered by Kevin, Don Wickler made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Reports with a second by Randy Postma.  Motion  carried.

Chairman Rich Steffen submitted a written report of supervisor’s activities during the year.  Highlights included 1) Pine Lake Hills issue with Pine Lake Drive. 2) Gravel roads were graded and dust control applied. 3) Some crack sealing on various asphalt roads. 4) Snow removal needed quite frequently this winter. 5) Passes to the landfill were issued to residents.  Rich thanked everyone for helping to complete all of these projects.

 Joe Egge, Split Rock Fire Department Chief also submitted a written report.  They currently have 36 members.  They did replace the 22 year old Tender truck.  Their wish list includes a “Jaws of Life” and a UTV.  Split Rock Fire personnel responded to a total of 124 Calls for Service through 911.  16 Fires – 76 Rescues and 32 Miscellaneous.  He also announced because of the weather there have been fewer grass fires. The pancake breakfast will be held on May 7th.

Lisa Marso, legal counsel submitted a recap of the 2022 Legal work which included the loan repayments for developments. Provided legal guidance on jake braking (Rowena) and ASCO resurfacing issues for Pine Lake Hills.  Currently working on Arrowhead/Highway 42 reconstruction issues.  Xcel/NSP poles in right-of-way agreement. Reminders of township laws included: a. Do not push snow into township roads, b. Do not discharge fireworks on township roads and c. clean up firework debris landing on roads.

The minutes of the 2022 annual meeting were made available to patrons.  Don Winckler made a motion to approve the minutes with a second by Gary Peterson.  Motion carried.

Don Winckler made a motion to lower the mill levy rate on property to $ .60 for 2024 down from              $ .65 for 2023.  Todd Egge seconded the motion.  The levy will be base + CPI + growth to the maximum allowed by law with the mill levy not to exceed $ .60 mills including the $ 75,000 for fire protection.  Motion carried.

Rich Steffen made a motion to not assess any additional levies for:  Additional fire protection and Snow removal reserve fund.  This was seconded by Patty Peterson.  Motion carried.

A motion by Don Winckler to set an additional levy for a secondary road capital improvement fund at       $ .01 per $ 1,000 of property tax for 2024.  Kevin explained the need for establishing such a fund for the township to be able to be eligible to receive funding for constructing, reconstructing, repairing and maintaining secondary roads, bridges and culverts.  Steve Braley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Don Winckler to make expenditures for an amount greater than taxes levied up to a cap of $ 750,000.  This motion was seconded by Dick Funke.  After discussion on what future needs there might be, the motion carried.

Greg Johnson made a motion for the purchase of equipment costing more than $ 15,000 with a second by Gary Peterson.  Motion passed.

Greg Johnson made a motion to authorize the Supervisors to approve an expenditure for ambulance services up to $ 5,000 for 2024.  This was seconded by Patty Peterson.  Motion carried.

Dick Funke made a motion for the cost of clean-up of weeds, grass or brush in the right-of-way and for the cost of tree removal in the right-of-way of township roads shall be paid for by the township.  Rich Steffen seconded and motion passed.

Joe Egge made a motion to increase the Treasurer and Clerk other meetings from $ 75 to $ 100 with all other compensation to remain the same. Treasurer $ 750/mo. + $100/other meetings.  Clerk $ 550/mo. + $ 100/other meetings and Supervisors at $ 100/meeting/road trip.  Emergency work (not road trips)              $ 25/hour.  This was seconded by Dustin Preheim.  Motion carried. 

Mark Schmidtbauer made a motion for the ratification and approval of all action of the Board of Supervisors at statutory meetings, regularly scheduled meetings, special meetings and executive sessions for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.  Patty Peterson seconded and motion passed.

Todd Egge made a motion to elect the unopposed Supervisor- Rich Steffen, Treasurer – Kevin Callies and Clerk- Pam Kolseth with a second by Marvin Manifold.  Motion carried.

After input by the residents, Todd Egge made a motion to approve the assessment recommendations for the developments as follows:  $ 0.00 for Country Gables/Ode’s, Hayes, Indian Hills, Kim Circle and Skyview Circle; $ 0.40 for Pleasant View ; $ 0.60 for O’Hanlon (Gravel); $0.80 for Pine Hills, Rowena, and Split Rock Heights (Gravel); $ 2.00 for Asphalt Developments – Hidden Valley, Iverson Crossing, Mystic Meadows, O’Hanlon (Asphalt), Pine Lake Hills, Rollinger, Split Rock Heights (Asphalt) and Iverson Tract/Red Rock.  Rich Steven seconded and the motion carried.

Todd Egge made a motion to set caps for maximum yearly salary/compensation : Clerk $ 8,000, Treasurer $ 12,000 and Supervisors $ 10,000 and to approve mileage at the federal rate.  Marvin seconded and motion passed.

A motion was made by Todd Egge to approve the 2024 Split Rock Fire Department Budget request for               $ 75,000.  This was seconded by Rich Steffen.  Motion carried.

Todd Egge motioned for the approval of Township road systems and designation of maintenance levels for roads within the system.  (All secondary roads are full maintenance accepted roads except the following which are minimum maintenance roads.  Ledge Rock and East Dan Ridge and No Maintenance:  264th Street from 48252 264th St. to 48283 264th St., N Lake View Road and N Horseshoe Pass.)  Rich seconded and the motion carried.

A motion to approve legal newspapers of the Argus Leader and the Brandon Journal was made by Todd Egge with a second by Marvin.  Motion carried.

Todd made a motion to approve the depository banks of First Natl Bank, U S Bank, Liberty Nat’l Bank, Plains Commerce Bank. American Bank & Trust, Great Western and Edward Jones, and to the extent authorized by law any other financial institutions as in the Treasurer’s discretion.  Rich seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Todd for the redeposit of Certificates of Deposit. Marvin seconded this motion.  Motion carried.

Todd moved October 1, 2023 as the date for right-of-way clearance with a second by Rich.  Motion passed.

Todd made a motion to approve membership in the Minnehaha County Ass’n. of Towns & Townships as well as for the State Association.  Seconded by Rich.  Motion carried.

Todd made a motion to set the levy at $ .01 per $ 1,000 of property tax for 2024 for the secondary road capital improvement fund and pass a resolution reflecting such motion.  Seconded by Rich.  Motion passed. 

Todd made a motion for the ratification and approval of all actions of the Board of Supervisors at statutory meetings, regularly scheduled meetings, special meetings and executive sessions for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.  Motion was seconded by Rich.  Motion carried.

Public Input:  R J Wright brought up the subject of delineators and how they have been damaged due to snow removal.  He wondered if they would be replaced.  Eric Postma remarked that come spring those that have been damaged and are needed in certain areas will be replaced.

Greg Johnson complimented the Split Rock Fire Department on a house fire in his neighborhood.  He said they along with other departments did an outstanding job as a team.

Chuck Park brought up concerns with Maple Street.  There was a lengthy discussion about what the future may hold for this street and whether the County would take it over down the road.

R J Wright commented on the snow removal by the Township this winter season.  He claimed they were the “Best of the Game”.

Todd made a motion to pay bills with a second by Rich.  Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 

                                                                                                                        Pam Kolseth, Clerk